Rick glances at the display of his smart watch. It’s 5:14. Only one minute until he’s supposed to begin his nightly routine. As he dips under the crimson leaves of an oak tree, he starts to doubt his decision to take the scenic route home. Sure, it’s important to spend time in nature. All sensible…
Category: Self-Help
How to Be Humble Without Being A Pushover
It doesn’t take much investigation to conclude that Aristotle was brilliant. Simply skimming a Britannica article about him is likely to leave the reader feeling surprised at how much he accomplished (he invented formal logic, started the study of zoology, and created philosophical works that remain influential today) and certain that he was a genius….
Advice Is Repetitive for a Reason: The Plant Analogy
The self-help industry is full of repetitive advice. Books on familiar topics, regular newsletters of similar advice, daily journals, daily emails, and more recurring content are commonly published. And the business model seems to be working for both publishers and consumers. The self-improvement market is worth about $13.4 billion according to a report from September…