A row of dominos falls. The amount of force applied to the first domino and the distance between each one provided the perfect conditions for the whole row to fall. If the dominos were set up in the same situation and we applied the same amount of force to the first one, the whole row…
Category: Philosophy
The Unique Benefit of Meditation
The other day, I was in the middle of a heated argument. I had let resentment towards someone build up until eventually I had to let them know about it. They had gotten away with their hypocrisy and righteousness for too long. Someone had to set them straight. Rather than having a civil discussion about…
We Repeated History When We Didn’t See This Coming…
It’s cliche at this point to say social media can have some negative consequences. After all of the reports, documentaries, and books published about the harm social media does to our mental health, it’s surprising to meet someone who doesn’t know about the downside of scrolling Facebook or TikTok. Last May, U.S. Surgeon General Dr….
What Is Pop Philosophy and Why Is It Important?
The term ‘pop philosophy’ is often used among philosophers and philosophy enthusiasts. Sometimes it’s used neutrally – about how neutrally someone would use the term ‘pop music.’ Other times, it’s used in a derogatory manner. People who read original texts from ‘real philosophers’ may look down on those who read ‘pop philosophers.’ But despite how…
Kindness and Selfishness Are Not Mutually Exclusive
We look down on selfish behavior. And for good reason – looking out for our own interests and disregarding others often causes suffering to the people around us. Textbook examples of selfishness (betrayal, manipulation, lying) hurt us. And obviously, we discourage these behaviors. But dig deeper into the idea of selfishness, and it gets a…
Our Misunderstanding of Pleasure and the Epicurean Good Life
As far as ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus would have been concerned, we have a real misunderstanding of pleasure. Dictionary.com provides the following definition for pleasure: Enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one’s liking; gratification; delight. Dictionary.com Dictionary.com provides examples of enjoying food, watching funny shows, having sex, enjoying the company of friends, and…